Thursday, June 11, 2015

Bee-ing a Part of the Waltenberger Partnership

We're Engaged!!
The Waltenberger Partnership, what to say? What to say? Well, I suppose, that since it is a partnership I should bring my co-captain in on this post. So for you guys to get a better idea of what we are all about and why Spencer decided to make the Waltenberger Partnership a legal entity by popping the question, I decided to do a little couples interview. So sit back, relax and get to know us!

When did you first meet and was it love at first sight?
S: "When did we first meet?" (He's really asking me, I'm the records keeper in the relationship, so he really is unsure of this, after enlightening him, his response was as follows) I saw you while picking up a camcorder in the honors department, and I said to myself I want to know that spunky little red head and I want her to tell me where and how to drive a car, boat, four wheeler, etc. I don't really believe in love at first sight, but I'll give you a like at first sight."

B: "We met in college at a party at the house Spencer was living at, a friend introduced us and I thought he was VERY attractive when I first saw him."

What makes your relationship special?
S: "An ability to rely on each other. We have uniquely different strengths and weaknesses."

B: "I think we are best friends first and above all else we just really enjoy being together. Living within a 30 foot space together and sometimes being confined to that space is like locking yourself and your partner in a bathroom with a couple sandwiches and still liking them after 3 days of being in there."

How are you able to live on a 33 foot boat together?
S: "Passiveness"

B: " Ummmm, we talk a LOT! I think that helps.

What was the toughest time in your relationship?
S: "My relationship is sunshine and angel farts, what are you talking about? Really I'm a private person and I don't really want to answer these questions anymore." 

B: "When you were working in Soldotna and I was living in Anchorage, I used to get so upset because you weren't missing me enough." (Laughs a kind of scary laugh)

What is Breena's most annoying trait and what would Breena say is yours? Vice a versa for Spencer
S: "These are terrible questions! I don't want to play this game. You're a little bossy, BeeBee. He's too darn really theres a couple, biting my nails, stealing your pillow, not stressing when it seems like the world is ending. I would like it noted that the world has not ended yet."

B: "Touching me with his feet, even though he knows I don't like it! And my most annoying trait I would say is, telling him how to drive, I do that a lot. Although I do try not to....I just can't help myself!"

What is Brena's best trait and what would Bee say is yours? Vice a versa for Spencer
S: "Best trait as a team member is her ability to handle peopler cooly and calmly. Handling everything else cooly and calmly."

B: "Spencer's best trait is his level headedness. Is that a word? You keep your cool in all situations. I think you think my best trait is my people skills or handling stressful human interactions."

If Bee/ Spencer had $20 right now, what would they buy?
S: "Wool"

B: "I think he would shop on craigslist for a boat part that was $15, use it a week and then sell it in a different town for $100. So the real question is what would Spencer buy with $100, and that would be a really nice Gin."

What does Bee/Spence do that makes you laugh?
S: Her impressions of men in black, I want to say your cooking (makes face like, op, you can't get mad! It's your interview)

B: "His laugh really makes me laugh. He will tell a joke that no one really gets or thinks is funny and he'll just crack himself up. That really makes me laugh when he does that!"

If left to die on a deserted island what is the first thing Bee/ Spencer would do?
S: "Find shade"

B: "Start a 'Deserted Island Craigslist' so that when I arrive he can make me walk 20 miles around the island to get a random boat part he found a 'good deal on'."

What is your favorite activity to do together?
S: "Sailing"

B: "Talk"

When Breena/ Spencer says _______ I know we have a real issue?
S: "I don't know, you ramp up from 0 to 10 a lot"

B: "Usually he doesn't say anything, so really it is when he is quiet that I know we are in trouble."

What is your favorite place to be together?
S: "Bahamas?" (not sure why he answered in question form)

B: "Bahamas!"

What are 2 perks from being in a relationship with Bee/ Spencer?
1. I don't have to remember any passwords
2.  I'm always allowed to dream big

1. I can have grandiose plans or ideas that he always makes happen
2. I get to eat really well! Oh, and I don't have to do any work with the head.

What are two disadvantages?
1. We can't go out in the sun
2. We can't go out in the cold

1. He walks away from any awkward situation, leaving me alone to handle it, and then to find him after.
2. I have to hike

What were you thinking in the time between asking "Will you marry me?" and her answer?
"I don't think I was thinking anything, you're getting kinda sappy with this thing, BeeBee"

What do you hope the next year will be like for you two?
S: "Hopefully the same as last year, sailing and free livin'!!"

B: "Just as exciting as the last 6 years"

What would Bee's/ Spencer's perfect vacation sound like?
S: "A pool"

B: "Unlimited food and drink budget in Seattle, and if he were told he could shop anywhere in that state for a craigslist deal while on vacation"

What is your favorite game to play together?
S: "Catan"

Cheers! Thanks for getting to know us a little more.


  1. This is hilarious! I like the "2 perks" question/answers the most. You two are lucky, unique and funnier when drunk :)

  2. Very Cool! My two takeaways (important insights): "best friends...enjoy being together" and "rely on each other" and fill in for each others' (implied) "uniquely different strengths and weaknesses." Oh, and Spencer, the whole driving from the passenger's seat thing; it's hard coded in the Rita-Robin-Breena gene pool. Nutin' you can do...
